$(document).ready(function() { //only need this function for ie 6 or less if(INT.win_ie_ver && INT.win_ie_ver < 7){ INT.tabRollvers('#top_nav ul'); INT.tabRollvers('#navigation ul'); } externalLinks(); $('#conversions_widget').serialScroll({ target:'#sections', items:'li', //selector to the items ( relative to the matched elements, '#sections' in this case ) axis:'x',//the default is 'y' queue:false,//we scroll on both axes, scroll both at the same time. duration:500,//length of the animation (if you scroll 2 axes and use queue, then each axis take half this time) force:true, //force a scroll to the element specified by 'start' (some browsers don't reset on refreshes) jump:false, //if true, items become clickable (or w/e 'event' is, and when activated, the pane scrolls to them) interval:false, //it's the number of milliseconds to automatically go to the next navigation:'#navigation li', constant:true, //easing:'elasout', onBefore:function( e, elem, $pane, $items, pos ){ var elem_pos = $(elem).prevAll().length; var kids = $('#navigation ul').children(); $.each(kids, function(){ $(this).removeClass('current'); }); $(kids[elem_pos]).addClass('current'); e.preventDefault(); if( this.blur ) this.blur(); }, onAfter:function( elem ){ var elem_pos = $(elem).prevAll().length; var kids = $('#navigation ul').children(); $(kids[elem_pos]).addClass('current'); } }); $('#quotes').cycle({ fx: 'fade', timeout: 8000, next: '#quotes', pause: 3, cleartype: 1 // enable cleartype corrections }); }); // JavaScript Document